Monday, November 5, 2007

Day Six - "It was very good."

Gen 1:31 And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

The third unique aspect of day six is that God pronounces it "very good." Upon the completion of every other day, God has labeled it as "good." Here, it is more than that. Why? The truth is, we don't fully know, we can only guess. It could be that the day itself was special because it was the day when all the work was done, and thus "very good" was an expression of completion. It could be that the phrase "everything that He had made" refers to everything made on that day, and not necessarily to everything made on all the other days as well. If that is the case, then the addition of human beings to the mix as God's crowning achievement might be what causes this to be "very good." It could be that God saw His beautiful creation perfectly expressing His loving heart and, for the moment at least, pure and holy and innocent and that was worthy of being deemed "very good." Whatever the case may be, this is the first and only time that expression is used with God as the source in the entire Bible. If we turn to the original language we find that the expression means that this was "exceptionally" or "especially, or "exceedingly" good. It was good to the greatest degree, and "in the widest sense," according to Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries. The universe had never seen this kind of goodness, nor would it be seen again. Nothing was corrupted, nothing was incomplete, no provision from God was missing. It was uniquely perfect at the end of day six. It was indeed "very good."

Your joyfully loquacious believer,


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