Monday, February 19, 2007

Trust is a MUST

We are looking at the very first verse of the Bible for the third blog in a row. Some who read this may begin to wonder why so much ink is being spent here, so I will try to explain it. In "LEE's Keys" to biblical interpretation (see right) I state that one of the keys is to "BELIEVE to RECEIVE." If you are going to really "get" the Bible, you must trust that it is the Word of God to us without error. The basic fact of the matter is this: If you can't trust the very first sentence of the Bible, how can you be expected to trust any other part of it?

Genesis 1:1 is the basis upon which the rest of the Bible is built. It is foundational to understanding the Bible that we understand at least four things that are taught by "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

FIRST: There was a beginning

SECOND: God was already there

THIRD: God made the "heavens" i.e. all of the universe except earth

FOURTH: God made the earth

We will look at these four in closer detail next time.

Your Joyfully Loquacious Believer,

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